Physical Education
Stephanie Hagee, PE Teacher | MAKING FITNESS FUN TOGETHER! | Shawn Holt, PE Teacher |
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We are Middle Road Strong! This school year may look a little different but we will continue to work together for the Health of it! Be sure to scroll down this webpage for Fitness and Nutritional information posted just for you from Mrs. Hagee and Mrs. Holt! Feel free to contact us as we work together to stay fit and practice good nutritional habits. Throughout the course of the year, students will develop positive social skills while they perform various motor skills and identify basic anatomical body parts utilized in the activities and games. Students will describe how to incorporate fitness in their daily activities and explain the importance of providing the body with energy through good nutrition. |
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Overall wellness is important to all and at all stages in ones’ life thus the importance of establishing active lifestyles and healthy behaviors, within the elementary grade levels, is where healthy habits begin. Teaching students to enjoy various movements, as they participate in a variety of activities tailored to developing important motor skills, is the foundation crucial to a healthy lifestyle.
Middle Road's Eagles Soar to Healthy Minds and Bodies!
Soaring to Healthier Minds & Bodies
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Middle Road's PE Department Presents... Our Made Especially for YOU videos
FITNESS - Helping Students Develop Active Lifestyles | NUTRITION - Helping Students Develop Healthy Eating Habits |
Being Fit and making time to Move-It are important to staying healthy. By logging your fitness efforts, you can see the progress you are making towards getting at least 60 minutes of exercise each day!
Middle Road's P.E. Department Videos to help get you moving!...
Check out this video for a fun way to get up and get moving, using a pool noodle! (Walton's PE Dept. Presents - Pool Noodle Fitness ideas on You Tube) Check out this video to learn about Physical Education ~ Alphabet Style (Walton's PE Dept. Presents - P.E. ~ Alphabet Style on You Tube) Check out this video to be inspired to create your own exercise video to post to Middle Road's Facebook page (Walton's PE Dept. Presents - Make YOUR Own Fitness Video on You Tube) Check out this video and create your own mini exercise video to music (Walton's PE Dept. Presents - PB and J fitness fun) Check out this video and play Fitness 21 - roll the dice and get moving (Walton's PE Dept. Presents -Fitness 21 - dice and exercise game) Check out this video that helps you learn the names of your Major Muscles as well as exercises that work those major muscle groups (Walton's PE Dept. presents Kids in Motion Stay in Motion) While we are out of school, take time to read the Tip Sheet-Be A Fit Kid. Also, complete the How Many Exercises Can You Do in 1 Minute worksheet. This worksheet does not have to be completed in 1 day. Stretch the challenge out over the course of a couple of weeks and simply test yourself on one exercise a day. (Feel free to test yourself again on a later day. If your score improves, write your best score!) The Exercise is Fun Move-It Log sheet, should be completed over the duration of time that we are out of school. Remember, everyone should aim for at least a total of 60 minutes physical activity each day! Eating Healthy and exercising are important for everyone so 'just do it'! How many exercises can you do in 1 minute.pdf Exercise is Fun Move-It Log sheet.pdf Check out the Physical Education ~ Alphabet Style flyer below. As you spell different words, do the exercises that are assigned to each letter. For instance, if I were to spell FITNESS, I would look at the flyer and would do the following exercises: F -Crab walk forward 10 steps, I - 10 push ups, T - 10 crunches or sit ups, T - 10 crunches or sit ups, N - 10 jumping jacks, E -5 hops on left foot, S - crab walk forward 10 steps and S - crab walk forward 10 steps. Physical Education Alphabet Style.pdf Do the exercises that spell your name. Get your family to join in the fun. There are so many ways to use this activity. Try this big challenge, see if you can go through the entire alphabet in one day. You do not have to do it all at one time, spread the letters and their assigned exercises to be done throughout the day. |
Exercise and eating healthy are both important to taking good care of our bodies. Middle Road's PE department has provided students with several worksheets to help them understand what kinds of foods are important to eat to help keep our bodies fueled. Is is always a great time for students to work through the nutritional worksheets and learn about the MyPlate and gain some understanding into what healthy eating is all about. Also, be sure to check out our videos to help you learn more about the MyPlate as we give you some simple to make healthy snacks. Middle Road's P.E. Department presents videos on the My Plate and to help you snack healthy... Healthy Snacks #1 on You Tube Healthy Snacks #2 on You Tube Healthy Snacks #3 on You Tube Healthy Frozen Treat on You Tube Yummy Yummy Fruit Salad on You Tube Make Healthy Food Choices, Eat This NOT That on You Tube Make Healthy Food Choices, How to Make an Easy Pizza Bun on You Tube Check out this video that helps you learn the importance of eating a variety of fruits and Vegetables (Walton's PE Department presents Eat the Healthy Way, the Color Way)
Check out this free online interactive game for kids. Kids can reach Planet Power by fueling their rocket with food and physical activity. Fuel tanks for each food group help kids keep track of how their choices will ultimately, pay off! Go to The following worksheets are simple, fun and educational too. The Super crew Color food tracker helps to ensure students are eating a variety of foods from the various food groups. The MyPlate worksheets introduces students to the various sections of the plate and how different kinds of foods have a place in our meals. The weekly family/kids nutrition goals tracking worksheet helps students utilize the MyPlate in determining which section of the plate the foods they are eating would fit. Do a worksheet a day and enjoy learning how eating healthy is good for you. my-plate-for-children-food-groups-picture-page-early-nutrition-education-young-childrens-food-pyramid-page.pdf
kids-my-plate-picture-chart-printable-easy-healthy-eating-learning-food-groups-information-kids-free-mypyramid-guide.pdf myplate-healthy-dairy-foods-activity-page.pdf myplate-healthy-fruit-foods-activity-page.pdf myplate-healthy-grains-foods-activity-page.pdf myplate-healthy-protein-foods-activity-page.pdf myplate-healthy-vegetables-foods-activity-page.pdf weekly-family-kids-nutrition-goals-tracking-coloring-page.pdf Super-Crew-ColorFoodTrackerFNL.pdf Please feel free to visit the following nutritional websites as they provide great resources for kids and parents regarding healthy eating. |
ALWAYS on the MOVE ~ It's What We DO ~ It's Good for Me & Good for You!